The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor is used to monitor high-resistance grounded installations. The maximum ground fault current in these systems is limited by a neutral grounding resistor to 5 A, 15 A or 25 A .

The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor combines three functions in one device:

  1. Monitoring of the residual current in the grounding conductor.
  2. Voltage monitoring between the transformer neutral and ground.
  3. Monitoring of the grounding resistor for continuity (NGR).

If a value is not within the thresholds, a relay with two voltage-free changeover contacts will be activated.

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The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor is used to monitor high-resistance grounded installations. The maximum ground fault current in these systems is limited by a neutral grounding resistor to 5 A, 15 A or 25 A .

The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor combines three functions in one device:

  1. Monitoring of the residual current in the grounding conductor.
  2. Voltage monitoring between the transformer neutral and ground.
  3. Monitoring of the grounding resistor for continuity (NGR).

If a value is not within the thresholds, a relay with two voltage-free changeover contacts will be activated.

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  • Ground-fault monitor for high-resistance grounded installations with a limited fault current of 5 - 25 A
  • Three-in-one functionality: Residual current, voltage and grounding resistor continuity
  • Measures the residual current by means of a Bender residual current transformer
  • Alarm easily recognizable by LED lights
  • Alarm relay with adjustable trip time
  • Measures resistance value and voltage drop of the NGR via coupling devices
  • Alarm easily recognizable by LED lights
  • The alarm relay can be used for the tripping of a load switch
  • Depending on the type of load switch the operating mode of the alarm relay can be set to N/O operation or N/C operation


  • High-resistance grounded installations with a limited fault current of 5…25 A
  • Mining applications

RC48N Variant(s)

Basic deviceSupply voltage/
frequency range US
Power consumptionArt. No.
RC48N-935AC/DC 60…264 V
50…60 Hz
approx. 5.8 VA at AC 60 V
approx. 8.5 VA at AC 264 V

Optional Accessories for RC48N

Type designationArt.-No.
Remote alarm indicator and operator panelB94071001
Type designationArt.-No.
CD1000 Coupling device, AC 0…1000 VB98039010
CD5000 Coupling device, AC 0…5000 VB98039011
Residual current transformer, 70 mmB911777
Residual current transformer, 105 mmB911778

Downloads for RC48N

RC48 CE Declarations of conformity 87.5 KB 2024/04/2626.04.2024
UKCA - RC48 CE Declarations of conformity 121.6 KB 2024/04/2626.04.2024
RC48N Manuals 539.4 KB DE2024/03/0101.03.2024D00426
RC48N Manuals 539.4 KB EN2024/03/0101.03.2024D00426
RC48N Manual (US) Manuals 1.3 MB EN2019/08/1616.08.2019
System Grounding in the Americas, Australia, South Africa and Other Regions Application brochures 576.7 KB EN2019/05/1313.05.2019
Guideline on NGR/Safety Ground Monitoring Technical information 234.7 KB EN2019/09/2020.09.2019
NGRM500 Retrofit Guide (US) Technical information 1.3 MB EN2021/02/1010.02.2021

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