Contempo Tandem Pendants

  • Increase load and capacity
  • Optimise theatre workspace
  • Maximise supply of patient services
  • Reduced ceiling footprint

A Bender Tandem pendant is constructed from a pair of Contempo ceiling pendants, configured as preferred from a choice of pendant styles. Tandem ceiling pendants minimise footprint and installation, while increasing capacity through a shared single ceiling fixture.

A common tandem configuration consists of two OK07-28 pendants with OK07-57 multi-movement arms. This flexible pendant style can utilise any combination of articulating or multimovement arms.

This cost-effective method of increasing pendant load and capacity, allows for multiple source columns to be attached to one fixing for increased distribution of patient services.

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Contempo Tandem Pendants
Contempo Tandem Pendants
[Translate to English:] Contempo tandem pendant
Contempo Tandem Pendants
[Translate to English:] Contempo tandem pendant
  • Increase load and capacity
  • Optimise theatre workspace
  • Maximise supply of patient services
  • Reduced ceiling footprint

A Bender Tandem pendant is constructed from a pair of Contempo ceiling pendants, configured as preferred from a choice of pendant styles. Tandem ceiling pendants minimise footprint and installation, while increasing capacity through a shared single ceiling fixture.

A common tandem configuration consists of two OK07-28 pendants with OK07-57 multi-movement arms. This flexible pendant style can utilise any combination of articulating or multimovement arms.

This cost-effective method of increasing pendant load and capacity, allows for multiple source columns to be attached to one fixing for increased distribution of patient services.

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  • Premium grade aluminium construction
  • Rotational dual arm options: Multimovement / Articulating
  • Source head options: Up to 6 types available (see ordering information)
  • Electrical sockets, gas and data outlets: Variations available, specify at ordering
  • Blue sockets positioned at a 45° angle for wire and cable space
  • A range of arm lengths
  • Fitted with medical rods and rails
  • 330° rotation from joints


  • Operating Theatres
  • Intensive Care Units
  • Special Care Baby Units

Contempo Tandem Pendants Variant(s)

OKO7-28 Pendants
OKO7-28 Dual Articulating Arms
OKO7-57 Dual Multi-movement Arms

Please request other configurations

Optional Accessories for Contempo Tandem Pendants

There is a wide range of optional accessories available:
LED Examination Lamp
Shelf Wire Baskets
Medical Rails
Monitor Holders
Refracted Arms
Infusion Racks
Infusion Stands
Cable Holders

Downloads for Contempo Tandem Pendants

Contempo Clinical Pendants Product Brochures 1.8 MB EN2019/10/1010.10.2019

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